Pukekohe Fijian Methodist Church

To Promote Christ Centered Community


Email: vakatawa@Methodist.org.nz

Office phone: 022 565 1761

Open 9:30am to 12:30pm weekdays

Everyone's life has a center. Our center is the hub around which all decisions revolve. Engaging youth and Sunday schools, through an holistic approach, exchanging information and guiding towards growth. Health or material goods drives daily choices. But a God-centered life is one that revolves around the character of God. Decisions are made from within that center, based upon that which pleases or displeases God.

We are center to the pursuit of God is life's highest calling (see Jeremiah 29:13). Earthly enticements lose much of their attraction for someone who has been in the presence of the Lord God Almighty (Isaiah 6:1–5; Hosea 12:5). Attitudes, desires, and relationships are altered by that encounter, and the Word of God becomes a lifeline. A God-centered life is marked by the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). These are not personality traits that we can "work on"; they are called "fruit of the Spirit" because, as a fruit tree naturally produces fruit, a life that is fully surrendered to God naturally produces godly qualities.

About Us

  • Worship

    Holy Communion Sunday:
    Combined service with English congregation.

    First Sunday of the month. 

  • Service Times

    Sunday 10.30am - 1.30pm - Morning Worship.

  • What We Do

    We are here to make a difference in leading everyone to Jesus Christ.

    Our church is not a building, but a body of believers united in Christ. Its role is to worship God, nurture and edify and reach out to a suffering and lost souls into the world. Engaging into saving message of the gospel of JESUS CHRIST as well as the practical compassion and mercy exemplified in him. To this end, ecclesiology is not some ivory-tower, academic discipline removed from the reality of daily life. Instead, learning more about the church and practicing the words helps us make a real difference in the world, not just temporally, but for all eternity.

Contact Pukekohe Fijian Methodist Church

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To promote Christ centered community where integrity is valued, faith sharing and service to others is encouraged, and God's word to be a direct and sought wholeness .

Our Mission